Black Clouds in The Rains

Series Short Story


Genre :



Warnings!! This content contains sadistic scenes.

*Translated from Indonesian to English by non professional

It wasn’t red blood, much less blue flowing through my veins, they thought the apparition that was currently visible was so very real to their sight. claims come as rumors, the devil has come to disguise himself as an angel into this world. The creator’s disappointment with humans is not an excuse for myself. There will be a lot of  spilled blood on this earth, just before the skyscrapers cover the sun. God is waiting for the right time to command Angel to blow his great trumpet to end the days of ours on earth, but before all that happens I have the destiny to bring a little piece of hell on earth.

Just a little piece of hell.

One time I remembered someone I know, at the same time I was a little annoyed because the soil  I stepped on was dirtying my shoes, the rains was really intense. I came without an invitation, there I started making small talk and talking about something painful, about honesty that is too painful for her. I tried to make her comfortable to just provoke her evil thoughts, so that she can remember whole bad things in her life then make an unconscious decision.

This night is cold and feels very short for me, I touch her forehead which is a little bit cold with the five fingertips of my right hand, so that she remembers deeper about something unpleasant. With this power I can easily manipulate her when she’s really comfortable around me.

“What do you feel?” I said slowly.

“Nothing.” She replied.

“You’re lying again,” I said with a very sweet smile.

“Yes. There are so many there, I don’t even know what to tell. ”The girl tried to be honest with me.

“It’s okay, let them be there, I’ll take care of it all” I whispered slowly.

Then the girl nodded indicating something that was not so clear, and I left alone at that time.

The next morning came early, the cold atmosphere still penetrated the bones. 11 men hung miserably on electric poles in front of her house. Various ages died instantly in a matter of one night. Their condition was so terribly sad, without a single clothe, without a single thread stuck to it, there was a man died with a huge split in his head, some had his throat cut off, some of their intestines were bursting out,  also one of them had the separated jaw from the head and some had their genitals destroyed and all the bodies of these men did not bleed a single drop of blood.

One body of a middle-aged man with large and well-maintenanced muscles is not even covered by his skin, only a face with a fearful expression is the most scourge of all the people who see his dead body. This morning was showed 6.02 AM, the atmosphere is cloudy because of the prolonged the rains. At the moment I was only watching from a distance. The crowd was seen capturing the incident by photographing the situation around the incident before the police arrived, the flash from their smartphone cameras made their eyes hurt a little.

I stood while smoking a cigar while humming with irregular rhymes. On that morning I looked very eccentric with my calmness there. I didn’t feel uneasy but there was little disgust at the sight of those hanging on. The girl that I touched her forehead didn’t even know what happened that night, she just fainted because she was shocked to see what was happening in front of her house, she was seen crying hysterically because of that. She cant believe her own eyes.

Some of the police officers who had arrived looked confused and frustrated. All the reporters present were confused. All are seen frowning at the case. All are frustrated because of the matter of the falling leaves against the cardinal directions. They think It’s very mysterious, but for me it is very simple as you lit a cigar from your lips.

Zero question came over me, but only the legacy of black power that was long shackled in my birth. I’m just trying to find an opening to have fun when I feel bored, I feel very alive when I touch the forehead of that sick girl. The rumors that it was not a human act started to emerge but I only know a little better than them. No !! I know very well what happened.

The long-haired man is a photograpy artist whose the dead body looks the most normal among others. Only the tips of his fingers are missing and his right eye is nowhere, he is hanging by his own long hair.

The most tragic man was the big muscular man, he was skinned, from neck to toe, his head was split, his brain was lost somewhere and his face was intact without a single injury. Again I smoke this cigarette while pretending to think.

The sun began to appear from the eastern horizon like the previous day, but because of season of the rains, this time the sun looks so shy, covered by the rain clouds. I’m getting tired of watching them speculate. To me they are just rubbish that trying to enter the factory to be recycled. I threw away the cigarette that was still stuck to my lips because I was bored, it didn’t taste good anymore even though I just lit it up. I wonder why there are only 11 men hanging on that pole?

The fainted girl came to her senses and screamed like crazy. I was disgusted to see that girl screaming and crying over them, because then I know how rotten that girl is, she looks hypocritical because she cries for people who she invited herself to death. I could not stand to see myself, felt sick but unable to commit suicide. I’d better wait patiently first, wait for everything to stabilize itself. Maybe next month I’ll come back to see the girl just to have a chat with her about this.

Next month I try to see her from a distance, when the opportunity comes, I approach her. The girl looks frustrated and looks at me unhappily, what’s wrong with this girl, her eyes focus on me, but her mind is wild and feels unsatisfied. The people she really hates died hanging a month ago in front of her dirty and disgusting house.

It was very unclear what is on her mind, only a resentment that was in her brain, but now I like the way of her thinking pattern, even more, so I try to have a deep conversation with her. I will try to open myself deeper to get information about who exactly the people who died hanging from that power pole.

“Hi, how are you doing?” I tried to ask her

“So bad, you did it to me?” said the girl.

“Yes, I’m bored, how do you feel right now? Don’t you want to thank me? ” I answered

“I’m very satisfied with what you did, but still not very that satisfied?” replied the girl.

“What else should I do? I have everything for your malicious intentions, haha ​​”I claim arrogantly

The conversation got longer and I came up with a solution, the girl wants all the decendants who died hanging also die. But after hearing the story I wasn’t that interested in doing it, yet I tried to give some solutions. In fact I heard that only 3 of the 11 men were married and had children.

I shook my head because it was starting to be unpleasant for me anymore, not because this isn’t fun at all to summon a black cloud, but the number of the target are only four lives, only four lives that would be lost, I refused because four children’s lives were not considered fantastic.

“you better hire an assassin if the targets are only children and junior high school kid” I suggested her

“Anything, I just want to erase all about them from the world.” She agreed.

Then the girl left with cash of 250 million rupiah from me, I purposely gave her because she was not satisfied. I let her do it to the children of The men who died hangging. I think it’s quite fair considering that stupid people like them have to be slaughtered to the root.

By the way, I am a person who has unlimited financial access. I am a very dangerous person for those who are reckless and stupid.

I tried to go back to that incident and more or less what I remember was that 5 men who died hanging were the girl’s ex-lover, and 6 more were people who used the girl’s body for mere lust so that it made the girl a little sick and leaned towards left side.

Well, let it be, I don’t care, the important thing is that my task when it has been accomplished and has been paid off in full, I feel a little happy to see that she can slaughter everything to the root.

In the previous conversation the girl explained everything to me, yes, maybe everything, I dont care. . I have no idea. .

The big man was a member of a big motorcycle gang in South Jakarta. I remember that he was the most pathetic way he died. I heard a little story from the girl that she had been given drugs forcibly and then had sexual intercourse in front of her motorcycle gang friends and that happened more than 20 times. Although in the past the girl felt normal because she really did not understand about it, but this time is the moment of truth for them. Even their descendants would be slaughtered using assassins. Maybe those assassins would be more sadistic than the way I was having fun. I think 250 million in cash will be enough for the down payment for the sadistic killer from the dark-web.

Six billion rupiah is still there for me for the next payment, I will give it if she really needs my help. I really like helping people, money is not worth the true pleasure of seeing the descendants of fools die horribly in front of loved ones. This scenario is very interesting, but I chose not to know it all. I’m too scared to see a lot of blood and all the cryings, haha.

My kindness does not end there, I will spend all money and do whatever it takes to wipe off the filthy dirty blood of those people who behave stupidly like animals.

Humans have forgotten how to be human, neither mine. I’m really disappointed, but I have to stay alive and I believe there is still fun in this world by doing morals that are always considered to be personally truth. They do all  the bad thing they think Good, I can uphold the morals that I think are right too.

For now let’s see how far these kind of joys will be.

Today I have lunch accompanied by a puppy that I just bought at the pet shop near the tax office. I’m so happy to have my lunch while playing with this adorable new puppy

But I remember 2 months from now is my 31st birthday, I haven’t planned a big party this year, maybe I will make a giant torch from the bones of a living fools. Well from now on I have to prepare to start a crazy ritual for my birthday party. I will go to the big city to get dead skin samples from other idiots, well maybe everyone will die there.

At my birthday party I really want to see them become my birthday candles, of course burn inside the musical Event..

Time is running slowly. Second by second is very slow for me. maybe I should meet a girl who is still study in high school, she is my best friend, she can understand all of my lacks and my hobby that really likes to play people’s life, maybe we have the same hobby.

That night I started to open the conversation, then I started touching the girl’s forehead. Just guess how many people that the bodies split in half from head to groin without a drop of blood the next day ??

One person only.

Haha, it’s very sad but I was very happy when I saw a member of the state council split into two parts from his head to his crotch, right in the steering seat of his car which was only 100 meters from the girl’s house. Still wearing a black suit without a tie. The left side of the body is in the right seat and vice versa.

Imagine how witty this should be I find it.

I rested for a while while smoking a keretek cigarette with a glass of bitter, savory and slightly sour arabica coffee.

I asked her to tell a little,

“How did something as interesting as this history come about?” I asked her.

“That member of the council taught me to have sex when I was in the 5th grade of elementary school” The girl said while laughing amusedly.

 “Ummmmm. . . Let’s cut it down to the roots to make it more interesting.” I remain silent for a while and asked her to do more.

We laughed with rage because even the police of the Secret Service wouldn’t be able to pinpoint who I really am.

I will go home to take a clove of garlic first, when I walk home to my residence which is not far away I continue to laugh very annoyed.

As far as I touched his forehead, I clearly knew and felt that she was enjoying sexual relations with the that rubbish council member. In fact, she was still in touch with that bastard council member until one night before I touched the girl’s forehead and ordered me to finish off the man in the black coat in his car. Good friends are just good friends. It is meaningless if she is someone who is stupid and hypocritical too. I have no idea, she looks confused by it all.

And months later I celebrated my birthday party without that damn girl, but the girl that I told you earlier. I make big music events through famous event organizers, of course money is a penny problem for me. I made some of them come for the event to burn to death in the fire I had planned. I can’t choose who my victim is. Let my friend  called fire choose who are burning by the flame and who are not. I could only watch from the top of the hill the huge torch lit up. I enjoyed their death cries more beautifully than classical medieval music.

I regret that I haven’t been able to do much this season, but it’s nothing more than fun and a courtesy for me to this trash world, even though I’m still a little gloomy because of some annoying things.

This time the black clouds go away longer, I have to wait 6 months until the end of the dry season. I will act casual and start preparing for next year’s hunting season.

To be Continued. .

Author : Dimas Marda

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